For the First Time, I Got Called a N*gger to My Face
Right here in Los Angeles, after moving here from the deep South where nobody ever yelled racial slurs (to my face), who would've thought I’d experience it in the melting pot that is L.A.?
I talked about it enough in the comment section of this Instagram Reel (— that’s a hyperlink; watch the short clip by clicking it).
It’s 11 o'clock at night now and I’m tired of talking. (People that know me in-person would say there’s no such thing as me being tired of talking, and they’d probably be right. Maybe I’m being lazy.) But, it’s necessary that I post on this lifestyle blog everyday, and keep repeating the words “lifestyle blog” and “Los Angeles” and “Los Angeles lifestyle blog,” if I ever want to see my personal website appear on the first page of Google search results.
I’m going to watch videos about the Bible’s “Daniel Fast,” in preparation to take Lent to the next level for the latter half.
I really need to have myself prepared if I want to make it through this 21-day cleanse. And by prepared, I don’t only mean I need to plan out my meals and be stocked on the approved food items; I need to prepare mentally.
My spirit needs to be in the right place as I sacrifice pleasures of the flesh to draw nearer to God and hear from the Universe.
It seems I’m more emotional and spiritual these days than I’ve ever been in my life. In the slightest way, it’s tiring.
If you landed here and you’d like to be somewhere else, check out the blog’s “what to do while in Los Angeles” page.
You all take care. Goodnight.