It's October! Be Well in This Last Quarter, Even If You Haven't Been All Year
Okay, I added a new blog category under the While in Los Angeles… section of this Los Angeles lifestyle blog. You may be thinking, “girl, won’t you add more content to the already existing categories before you go adding new ones?!” And I’m not even mad at you because that thought crossed my mind too, but let me explain.
My entire brand is to motivate people to BE WELL.
When you look at what I originally named the “things to do” category, all 6 blog entries currently up there are different physical activities you can in places aroundLA. When you look at the “eat” category under While in Los Angeles, the early entries, and the overall majority, are about healthy eating options aroundLA. Even on the beauty page of this lifestyle site, the most recent entry about growing long hair was based on getting the right nutrients in your body, not some miracle oil for hair growth. (I’ve since moved that healthy hair growth article to this “be well” category.)
So, this “be well” category isn’t new at all, really. It simply now has its own dedicated place for topics that don’t necessarily fit fully into the others, but I’d still like to share with you because they speak to my overall initiative.
And now for today, the beginning of October.
Baby when I tell you I didn’t even know it was October until somebody told me it was October, I ain’t lying to ya. As you can see in the picture up top, my planner was still open to a page that says September across the top since we’re still in the last week of September.
I wasn’t ready, but it’s fourth quarter, baby, and sometimes you won’t be ready, but you have to go out there and do it as if you been ready. Bow! Bow! Bow! Just bussin’ [does fingers in motion of gun]. I’m blasting. I’m spraying y’all with content. Bop! Bop! Bop! Bop!
Let’s goooooooooooooooooooooo!
Start your day off with a plan, a to-do list, chicken scratch on the back of a receipt paper, and some nutritious food in your stomach. Then go out there and attack. Go to sleep, wake up, and attack again. Attack the day. Attack your goals. Go at it! Day after day, no matter if it’s exactly what you want it to be or not. Figure it out (and improve) as you go along. But don’t sit there doing nothing.
Note: This is me talking to me as a talk to you.
Let’s finish this final quarter of 2021 strong!
Later. Be well, y’all.